This is a recording of Puluwatese. This is a recording from Alan Lomax's Parlametrics collection. These recordings were made by linguists around the world as well as by Lomax himself. They have been digitized from the original reel-to-reel tapes. The original notes which accompanied the tapes were often either incomplete, indefinite, illegible or missing. Because of this, the language in this recording may not have been identified or may have been misidentified. If you notice a mistake and know what language this is, please help us out by sharing your knowledge and leave a comment. Excerpts from the original notes follow. As the notes were sometimes illegible, place or personal names may be misspelled: One of the descriptions probably pertains to this recording. Side one: song and chants in Camorro, Ponapean and a litle material from Samoa. Side two: dialogue in Palaun, Chamarro from Saipan, Mariana Islands telephone conversation, Ponapean. On side 1, the specific islands from which the songs and chants come from are mentioned as often as the main Satawal instead of Truk, the latter...being the larger grouping..a large map of the Pacific will solve your problems. Richard Brislin, Greg Trifonovitch.